General information
Charging station installations at apartment blocks are generally more complex than at a house. In +80 % of cases, an on-site audit is required and connecting the charging station to an adequate electricity supply and network is challenging (e.g. longer distances, insufficient power available in the car park, etc.).
The presence of a socket (+/- 2 kW) or a light point (< 1 kW) at a car park does not mean that there is sufficient power to charge a car (5 - 11 kW).
If you live in the Brussels Capital Region in an apartment block with more than 3 residential units or 3 parking spaces or 3 garages, it is up to the VME/syndic to provide a collective solution in terms of charging infrastructure. No more individual charging station may be installed. Read more. If you find yourself in this situation, there is nothing else to do but cancel your request for a charging station. Contact your fleet for this or notify MobilityPlus via this contact form.
Required documents before performing the audit
To properly prepare for the installation, take into account the following guideline.
Tenant of a flat
Approval required from the owner and the association of co-owners -
Owner of a flat
Approval required from the association of co-owners
In many cases, the property manager or trustee will have to submit the request to the general meeting of the association of co-owners. Therefore, take into account a longer lead time to get this approval.
Requirements and restrictions
The requirements and restrictions below serve as input for questions from the property manager / building technician.
- Here you will find the technical requirements for installing a charging station in a car park. You can check with the property manager (and building technician) whether all technical requirements are met.
- MobilityPlus installs the charging package defined in agreement with your employer. MobilityPlus is not responsible for verifying that this charging package meets the specific requirements of the building (if defined). Nor is MobilityPlus responsible for checking specific security requirements in the building. If MobilityPlus is informed of and must meet specific requirements not included in the charging package, the additional costs will be charged to the employee.
- Reimbursement of electricity costs is made to the employee. If the charging station consumes electricity from the building's shared grid, the employee must reimburse the property manager and make the necessary records accordingly.
- Mobile network (= mobile phone connectivity) is required at the location where the charging station is installed. Alternative solutions to connect the charging station to the MobilityPlus platform are available (e.g. 4G router) but are at the employee's expense (500 euros - 2000 euros or more depending on cable distance and complexity of the situation)
- MobilityPlus installs the charging station according to the charging package established by the employer. MobilityPlus cannot be held responsible if the location or installation of the charging station is not done taking into account the specific requirements of the building.
You can download a sample letter for requesting the installation of a charging station below.